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The School of Nursing was delighted to receive funding from AltaMed Health Services Corporation to establish the AltaMed Nursing Scholarship at UCLA in 2016. The gift provided nine students with scholarships to help with tuition and academic related expenses, including support to participate in school activities in Mexico and Cuba. The purpose of these scholarships is to work toward upgrading healthcare to underserved populations by providing support to students, with a focus on healthcare needs and issues specific to Latino communities, to continue and successfully complete their Bachelors and advanced nursing Master’s degrees. AltaMed Scholarship recipients are determined based on high academic merit and demonstrated financial need.

The nine inaugural recipients of the scholarship include Bachelor of Science: Stephanie Darden BS, Stephanie Fletes, Adam Gutierrez, Margot Hesel, Laura Regalado, Michelle Rios, and Advance Practice Nurses: Crystal Aguilar, Lindsay Mann, and Patricia Rojas-De La Paz.

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